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January 11, 2020
"Marching to the beat of
your own drum"

11: 30 AM - 4:30 PM

Pre-registration - 120 KD

Registration - 135 KD


* Travel to Kuwait, airport transfers & accommodation are not included

June 19 & 20, 2020
"Curation Curation Curation!"

11: 30 AM - 4:30 PM

at The Four Seasons Hotel

Pre-registration - 520 KD (valid until Nov. 15, 2019)

Registration - 555 KD (all inclusive)


120 seats available


* Travel to Kuwait, airport transfers & accommodation are not included

"Marching to the beat of your own drum"
January 11, 2020
11 :30 AM - 4:30 PM


International Visa Processing Services

 for our international attendees


Be influenced by creatives, branding experts, influencers and designers, learn about their stories, struggles and how they made it! Key note speakers, as well as interesting and inspiring panels.



Registration Fee


1 Day of Attendance


 in the following Workshops:


 Design and entrepreneurship


3 guest speakers (to be announced)


How successful individuals have defined their own brand and how they push on through the ups and downs




 Discussion Panels

Our guest speakers & 2 panelists will be discussing the pros and cons of starting on your own




Gourmet Coffee breaks


 an “eventful” lunch meal



This is a learning and educational event open to designers, entrepreneurs, business owners and those wanting some inspiration!



Real-time translation will be available for our Arabic speaking guest.

"Curation Curation Curation!"
June 19 & 20, 2020 
The Four Seasons Hotel 
Al Bidaa Ballroom

In a sea of so many people doing what we do, we need to stand out! How?


Learn from the best in the field, artists, wedding planners, event designers, brand creators  and an added bonus... in depth knowledge from the best SME bank  on what to look out for to avoid financial trouble.


A hands on workshop with a creative individual who will help us create a stunning installation that will be showcased at our gala dinner at the end of the two days.


This masterclass is open to all event planners, wedding planners, interior designers, entrepreneurs and this that just love design!



Registration Fee


2 Full days a full jam packed Masterclass and Workshop:


Tools for the workshop as well as many beautifully curated gifts and more!


Guest speakers (to be announced)




 Discussion Panels




Gourmet Coffee breaks


 Lunch meal, snack and dinner

on both days



Menus have been curated


Bibi Hayat

with Chef Sebastiano

Vegan & Vegetarian options available.





Real-time translation will be available for our Arabic speaking guest.


International Visa Processing Services

 for our international attendees


Please fill in the form:

Thanks for submitting! We will shortly be sending you our payment link.

You will receive a payment link within 24 hours of registering.

Please note this event is NON-REFUNDABLE but transferable to another individual for the same event.


We can send you a payment link or you can pay via bank transfer. 


Outside Kuwait payment:

Please look at the payment methods below. And send us an email with the payment receipt.


Via Bank Transfer to:

Beneficiary Name: Bibi Ali Hasan Hayat

Bank Name: Gulf Bank

IBAN: KW83GULB0000000000000090090745


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